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What is the Priapus Shot?


The Priapus shot is a nonsurgical procedure where platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the penis. Often referred to as the P-shot, this medical procedure can treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and improve men’s sex lives. 

Named after Priapus, a minor Greek god of fertility typically depicted with a permanent erection, the P-shot is an experimental treatment for sexual dysfunction disorders, including ED and Peyronie’s disease. The Priapus shot is not currently FDA-approved, but preliminary studies have promising benefits for men who want to improve their sex lives.

Keep reading for more information about the P-shot, including a deeper dive into safety, results, and the answer to “What is the Priapus shot?”

What does the Priapus shot do?

The Priapus shot is a wellness treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is created from the client’s own blood and injected into the shaft and tip of the penis. In many cases, the Pshot increases sensitivity and helps men maintain firmer erections.

PRP injections were originally used to treat musculoskeletal injuries (like tendonitis and ligament injuries). The theory is that the PRP from your blood can help repair tissues and increase blood flow.

  1. The procedure begins with a blood draw.
  2. From there, your provider puts the blood into a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the other components in your blood.
  3. Then the PRP is prepared and injected into certain areas of the penis.

The treatment typically lasts about 20 minutes. Most men need several treatments (between three and six) for the best results.

The treatment has few side effects since the injections are made from your blood. While the Priapus shot is still considered investigational, the benefits of PRP for erectile dysfunction and for men who struggle to get or maintain an erection are promising.

How Does PRP Work?

Your blood contains several components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Platelets start blood clotting and include numerous growth factors and other bioactive proteins.

When you get hurt, platelet-rich plasma is essential to your recovery. Do you know the clear liquid around a recent cut? That is platelet-rich plasma beginning the healing process.

The body has an amazing ability to regenerate, and the concentration of platelets and growth factors accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal.

Growth factors stimulate the formation of new blood cells and blood vessels, collagen production, and tissue remodeling. Normally, growth factors are diluted in the blood, but a PRP injection contains a concentrated dose to accelerate tissue repair and regeneration.

“During the pshot, the PRP is injected into specific areas of the penis to promote blood flow, nerve sensitivity, and the growth of new blood vessels. This can lead to improved erectile function and enhanced sexual performance.”

How Long Does It Take PRP to Work?

An increase in size, shape, and duration of erections are common in the first 24 hours after your Pshot. However, most men will need to wait to see results between 4 and 8 weeks after treatment to see results.

Remember, the Pshot is still considered an experimental procedure. Results may vary, and not all men will see an improvement with PRP.

The Pshot: What to Expect

The PRP is injected into the tip and shaft of the penis, and a topical anesthetic prevents pain during the injection process. That doesn’t mean you won’t feel anything during the procedure, but the injections are so small that you will probably only feel a slight pressure as your provider does the injections.

Most men require multiple injections per treatment and may also need several treatments to see results. However, one treatment is enough to see dramatic results in your erection length and duration.

While PRP therapy has many promising results, the scientific evidence to support it in treating erectile dysfunction is still developing. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional first to determine if PRP is an option for you.

P-Shot Benefits

The Priapus shot was invented by Dr. Charles Runels in 2009. Dr. Runels is a pioneer in the world of regenerative medicine.

The pshot benefits include longer-lasting erections, better sensitivity, and a boost to your libido. The treatment is minimally invasive and requires little to no downtime. It also pairs well with other treatments for sexual dysfunction, such as oral medications like Viagra or Cialis, or lifestyle changes like diet and exercise.

In addition to internal benefits, PRP can increase collagen production. So, the pshot may lead to improvements in the appearance and size of your penis.

Some studies suggest that PRP may help manage the symptoms of ED. The growth factors and regenerative properties in PRP are thought to stimulate tissue repair and the growth of new blood vessels.

Pshot Side Effects

The pshot is an experimental procedure, but the fact that the injections are made with your own blood makes the side effects relatively minimal. Redness, swelling, and bruising are the most common side effects. More serious complications – like injection or an allergic reaction – are rare but possible.

Many men see improvements in the first day after the pshot. But some men see minor improvements or no change at all. Your Stadia Med Spa provider will meet with you to discuss your particular circumstances so we can help choose the right procedures for your body and goals.

Work with Stadia Med Spa

So in answer to “What is the Priapus shot?” – The treatment is a regenerative medicine procedure that helps men improve their sex lives and treat sexual dysfunctions.

At Stadia Med Spa, the pshot is given by Brandie Charles, a regenerative medicine specialist who trained with Dr. Runels, the inventor of the pshot. Her insight and many years of experience in the regenerative medicine field will help her to determine if the pshot is the right treatment for you.

Interested in trying the Pshot? Schedule your free consultation at Stadia Med Spa today!

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