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Empowering Skincare: Address and Prevent Aging Skin


Aging is a natural part of life. As you age, your skin will inevitably reflect your years with wrinkles, sagging, and spots. 

Cosmetic treatments can’t turn back the clock. But if you approach skincare from a place of empowerment, you realize that maintaining youthful, radiant skin is possible at any age.

Empowering skincare starts with active prevention and care. The skincare industry has changed dramatically in recent years, as many men and women started to look for skin care products and routines that transcend aesthetics. The average consumer doesn’t just want to look good, but they want to feel good in their skin.

This article explores the science and strategies you need to empower your skincare and discover a beautiful, confident you. As you explore what empowering skincare means to you, recognize that with the proper knowledge and practices, anyone can have beautiful skin.

Signs Your Skin is Aging

First, you need to identify the signs of aging skin. Prolonged exposure to sunlight, certain health habits (including your diet and exercise routine), and genetics all affect how your skin ages.

Some signs of aging – including wrinkles, sagging, and age spots – are obvious indications that you need to step up your skincare. However, if you are new to skincare or want a general overview of what to look for – this list is for you. 

Here are some of the most common signs of aging skin:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Dryness and dehydration
  • Thin, clear, and papery skin
  • Loss of volume, sagging
  • Age spots on sun-exposed skin
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Uneven skin texture, blotchiness, redness
  • Rough skin

Collagen and elastin are two major skin proteins that start to naturally decrease as you age. Their production slows down the older you get, which is one of the main causes of the wrinkling and sagging most people associate with aging.

That combined with certain lifestyle choices – like spending long hours in the sun without sunblock or smoking cigarettes – eventually leads to aging skin. 

Genetics and overall health also play a role in your skin’s health, as does how well you care for your skin. It’s never too late to start to care for your skin. Your skin renews itself every 27 days. So if you start today, you could have healthier-looking skin in less than a month!

Empowering Your Skincare Routine

If you want to empower your skincare, start with your self-care routine. 

What does your current skincare routine look like? Maybe you wash your face every night before bed, get monthly facials, and put lotion on when your skin is dry. These habits can prevent premature aging and leave you with healthy skin.

Skin health also relies on the nutrients in your diet, the amount of water you drink, and how much you exercise. Take a look at your lifestyle and identify any bad habits that may be affecting your skin health! Your skin is the largest organ in your body, so it will show signs of imbalances in other areas of your wellness routine.

After you’ve evaluated your current skincare routine and evaluated where you could improve – you can start to add in healthy skincare habits.

Skincare is unique to the individual. Men and women have unique skin care needs, as do teens, adults, and older generations. You may have sensitive skin or certain skin conditions that make self-care a necessity!

Facials and at-home spa treatments, like face masks, are a popular way to give your skin an added boost. These days, at home treatments for skin care are all over the place. Microneedling, dermaplaning, hair waxing kits, and anything else you might want to try are all available online with a simple click.

However, many of those at home treatments aren’t nearly as effective as the ones you would find at an accredited medical spa like Stadia Med Spa. When you improve your skin care routine with a medical spa, you also get access to their expert opinion on what treatments will help you meet your goals!

How Stadia Supports Empowered Skincare

Stadia Med Spa offers a range of cutting-edge treatments to empower your skincare. Each service has dedicated uses, from helping you tighten loose skin to reducing the appearance of sun and age spots.

Stadia Med Spa has skincare treatments that include skin tightening, RF microneedling, IPL photofacials, Hydrafacials, Skin Pen microneedling, stretch mark removal, acne treatments, and spider vein removal. Whatever your goals, Stadia has a treatment that will help you empower your skincare.

Many of the skincare treatments at Stadia work by stimulating collagen production. The increase in collagen and other skin proteins like elastin will gradually make your skin feel tighter and smoother. RF microneedling, Skin Pen, stretch mark removal, and acne treatments all fall under this category.

Stadia also offers medical-grade facials to give your skin some much-needed love, including the Hydrafacial and IPL photofacial. The Hydrafacial is gentle enough for people with sensitive skin, while the IPL photofacial provides targeted healing for sunspots, redness, and uneven skin.

Many of the skincare treatments at Stadia can also be used preventatively. Regular Hydrafacials support clean, hydrated skin. Skin tightening can reduce the appearance of existing fine lines and wrinkles, and prevent them from getting any more noticeable.

At your free consultation, your Stadia Med Spa provider will meet with you to discuss your treatment options. They will ask you about your skincare goals and give you advice on which treatments will support you best.

Whether you see the first signs of aging skin or not, you can find a treatment to suit you at Stadia. 

Work with Stadia

Empowering your skincare means coming to terms with the fact that your skin is aging. You won’t always look the way you did in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. But that doesn’t mean you can’t love and accept the way your skin looks right now. 

Stadia’s skincare treatments are meant to help you discover a beautiful, confident you – no matter what your age. If you don’t know where to start or simply want to meet with someone to discuss your options, contact Stadia to schedule your free consultation

Book at Stadia Med Spa

If you were considering Venus Legacy skin tightening at Stadia Med Spa, you should know that the treatment cannot make your cellulite worse! Clinical trials have shown the treatment is a safe and effective solution to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Still not sure if Venus Legacy is right for you? Contact Stadia Med Spa for a free consultation!