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Does Emsculpt NEO work?


Some cosmetic procedures sound too good to be true. After all, no method is simultaneously fast and easy with no recovery and visible lasting results – right?

Everyone knows you can’t have it all, and Emsculpt NEO certainly sounds too good to be true. When clients hear that a single 30-minute treatment will remove unwanted fat cells and build muscle – they wonder, does Emsculpt NEO work, or are they simply trying to sell treatments?

But both the science and results speak for themselves, and the answer is a resounding YES – Emsculpt NEO works! The treatment builds muscle and burns fat in a procedure backed by the FDA and tested for effectiveness.

Keep reading to learn more about the science behind the answer does Emsculpt NEO work, as well as what results to expect from your treatment!

What is Emsculpt NEO?

Emsculpt NEO is a cosmetic procedure combining RF and HIFEM+ energy to eliminate unwanted fat cells and build strong muscles.

Clinical studies show patients reduce subcutaneous up to 30% and increase muscle mass by 25%.

Of course, that depends on the treatment area and how much fat is present. You don’t have as much fat on your face as you do on your thighs! The FDA has approved Emsculpt NEO for treatment in the:

  • hips
  • abdomen
  • buttocks
  • upper arms
  • calves
  • inner/outer thighs

Men and women with a BMI up to 35 are candidates for Emsculpt NEO. The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes, and side effects are minimal.

The Science Behind Emsculpt NEO

Does anyone simply trust what they read on the internet without doing a little research? These days, anyone can write a blog and post statistics. But, to answer the question, does Emsculpt NEO work, you have to look at the science.

Cosmetic treatments – like Emsculpt NEO – go through a thorough testing period before they reach the market. In 2020, an expert advisory board of senior aesthetic physicians analyzed the results of several clinical studies with over 500 patients and 30 investigators.

They found that patients treated with Emsculpt NEO had:

  • 30% less fat
  • 25% more muscle
  • 19% reduction in abdominal separation
  • 5.9 cm reduction in waist circumference

The numbers certainly support the idea of simultaneous fat reduction and muscle growth. Emsculpt NEO is the first (and only) cosmetic treatment to combine the two. Now, let’s take a closer look at HIFEM and RF to see how they work.

1. High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy (HIFEM)

HIFEM energy has certainly evolved since it was first used for nervous system stimulation in 1896. The Emsculpt NEO applicator emits pulses of energy that stimulate the nervous system and causes the muscles to contract at a rate that isn’t achievable during a voluntary workout.

While studies on the efficacy of HIFEM energy are ongoing, a 2019 study of HIFEM+ effects on the abdominals reveals that the treatment appears to build muscle, reduce fat, and decrease the separation between the rectus abdominis. The study also noted that the effects were still visible two and six months after the treatment.

Muscles are an integral part of your body’s contour, and Emsculpt is primarily a body contouring treatment that aims to create a better overall balance and aesthetic in the body.

Aside from aesthetics, muscles improve your balance, functional movement, and strength. You need strong muscles as you age to prevent unwanted injuries and to ensure you live a long and healthy life.

2. Radiofrequency Energy (RF)

RF is used in many cosmetic treatments, from skin tightening to fat reduction.

Radiofrequency energy targets subcutaneous fat to kill unwanted fat cells without affecting the surrounding tissue. In small amounts, subcutaneous fat is a necessary part of your body. But large amounts of subcutaneous fat lead to large amounts of visceral fat, which has been linked to an increased risk of disease.

Not only does RF kill off fat cells, but it tightens the skin in the treatment area to prevent sagging and wrinkles when the fat cells are removed from the body. Radiofrequency is used as a fat removal treatment without HIFEM energy, but the combination of the two makes for a powerful body contouring treatment.

How do HIFEM and RF energy work together?

First, radiofrequency energy raises muscle temperature, which gets the muscles ready to build and grow. Similar to how warm-up exercises prep your muscles before lifting weights or running a mile.

After the muscles are warmed up, the HIFEM+ energy contracts the muscle fibers. In a 30-minute session, Emsculpt NEO contracts the muscles 20,000 times! That would be the equivalent of 20,000 sit-ups or push-ups. You can’t achieve the same results in such a short amount of time with a typical workout.

Four minutes into your Emsculpt NEO treatment, the temperature in your fat cells reach a level that causes apoptosis, or cell death. The damaged fat cells are removed from the body naturally in the days and weeks after your treatment.

Most people have muscle soreness or tenderness after Emsculpt NEO, similar to sore muscles after an intense workout!

So, does Emsculpt NEO Work?


If the science isn’t enough to convince you, the visible results from an Emsculpt NEO treatment certainly will. In most Emsculpt NEO studies, the differences in overall body contour, skin tightness, and appearance were always noted by researchers and clearly visible to the naked eye.

However, Emsculpt works best for people who actively maintain their results. Not only with regular maintenance visits after your treatment but through a healthy lifestyle. The best candidates for Emsculpt NEO are healthy and active people looking for targeted fat loss and improved muscle tone.

Book at Stadia Med Spa

In answer to the question, does Emsculpt NEO work – we rest our case. The science and experiential results support the treatment for simultaneous fat reduction and muscle gain.

If you’re frustrated with your appearance and think you could benefit from Emsculpt NEO, start with a free consultation at Stadia Med Spa. One of our experienced professionals will meet with you and assess potential treatment areas to determine if Emsculpt NEO can help you meet your body contouring goals!