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Does CoolSculpting have Side Effects?


What to know before you go?

Before starting any new medication or treatment, it’s very normal to wonder what the side effects are going to be. The short answer is that while CoolSculpting does have side effects, they’re generally minimal for the vast majority of people. Below, we’ll break down why that is, what those side effects are, and who should avoid CoolSculpting. 

Why do people have different reactions to CoolSculpting?

  • When looking at an entire population of people who undergo a given procedure or take a medicine, almost every treatment—whether cosmetic, medical, or homeopathic—has some sort of side effect. However, while a side effect may be unnoticeable in one patient, another may have a much stronger one. That’s why, for example, an allergy medication you’ve taken for years without any side effects may be advertised as causing nausea or headaches for other people.

    It’s important to know what the side effects of any treatment could be so that you know what’s normal, what you should talk to your doctor about beforehand or afterwards, or even what could be an indicator of a larger, previously unknown condition.

    Fortunately, for those patients who do experience side effects from CoolSculpting, these are generally pretty mild and superficial, and shouldn’t stop an otherwise good candidate from proceeding.

Side Effects During CoolSculpting

  • A tugging or pulling sensation: During the CoolSculpting process, the section of body fat being targeted is held in place by the applicator using suction, and may feel like it’s being pulled into the device. This is completely normal, but can definitely feel a little weird. For some patients who are sensitive to this particular feeling it can also feel a little uncomfortable; that’s perfectly normal too. Whether that discomfort is enough to make you want to stop the treatment is always up to you.

Extreme cold, stinging, or aching

    • As the name suggests, Coolsculpting is using freezing temperatures to freeze fat, a process called cryolipolysis. Not surprisingly given the temperature, some patients report a sensation of extreme cold, stinging, or aching in the area as it’s being treated, especially at the beginning of the treatment. Often, though, once the area gets numb from the cold, the discomfort or aching goes away.

Side Effects After CoolSculpting

  • Short term mild skin discoloration or irritation

    Immediately following treatment, some people experience whitening or reddening of the skin in the treated area, and the skin may also feel hard to the touch. As the temperature of the area warms up and sensation returns, some people experience a stinging or tingling feeling. Again, these side effects are completely normal, and usually go away on their own very quickly.

    Aching, tingling, and swelling

    In the weeks after CoolSculpting, some people experience aching, cramping, redness or bruising in the area. Swelling may also occur, and some patients reported a lasting numbness or tingling after their Coolsculpting treatment. If numbness does develop, it usually wears off after a few weeks.

    A Highly Unlikely Side Effect of CoolScultping: Paradoxical Hyperplasia

    For unknown reasons, a very small number of patients (1 in 4000) experience a frustrating—but not dangerous—condition called paradoxical hyperplasia, which causes an area of targeted fat to develop or become bigger after the area is exposed to cold. Obviously, this is the opposite effect from what is hoped for, but is surgically reversible and highly unlikely.

In summary: Should you be worried about side effects?

  • If you think you would benefit from CoolSculpting and your doctor has no concerns, then you shouldn’t let worries about side effects stop you. They are generally normal, negligible, and brief, and shouldn’t limit your ability to go about your everyday life. That said, if your skin is very sensitive to cold, if you have chronic pain or nerve problems, or if your physician has recommended that you avoid the treatment for any reason whatsoever, your best course of action is to pursue other means of eliminating unwanted fat.

    If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

    Stadia Medical Spa